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Four modular Operation Theaters for Speciality Superspeciality Surgeries
Latest Digitex Anesthesia machine with ventilator.
Remote control OT table and OT lights by Cognate.
Two luxury Labour Delivery Rooms
Laminar air flow with Hepa filters to filter particles, bacteria and viruses upto 0.03 micron in the operation theatre.
Eye Microscope, Phaco Machine.
Latest Laparoscopic equipment and instruments for minimally invasive surgery, Baritric Surgery and back-up facilities for Laparoscopic Surgeries.
Harmonic scalpel – Latest addition for highly advanced laparoscopic surgery – made easy and bloodless with Ligasure, Hysterescope, Vricascope, Cystoscope, Colposcope, Ureteroscope, Nephroscope &Miniperc.
Labour room with CTG online monitoring system for increased safety of baby and the mother.
Thallium Laser for Prostate Surgery & laser for Stones.