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PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) is a metabolic disorder and PCOS is endocrine problem (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) aren’t the same thing, one is a disease and the other a syndrome. Let us first understand the difference between the two, its symptoms, causes, risk factors and treatment.
PCOD is a disease which can be treated as opposed to PCOS, which is a syndrome without a definitive cause and treatment options. Societal thought about women’s health, the causes and risk of these disorders and prevents early detection of diseases, when it really should be ruled out treated and cured. Awareness is key about the symptoms. Women are scared, and feel uncomfortable to discuss female reproductive organs, irregular periods, and fertility problems. PCOD is a condition that is caused because of hormonal imbalance among women, which results in ovaries that produce immature or partially matured eggs during ovulation.
These undeveloped eggs, eventually increase in number and form cysts in the ovaries. The ovaries increase in size and release lots of male hormones, which causes irregular periods, hair loss, weight gain, and excessive hair growth. The risk factors include unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, stress and lack of exercise.
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is an endocrine gland disorder, which makes the ovaries produce high testosterone levels. This hinders the ovulation process of the egg and leads to many cysts in the ovaries, which are basically sacs filled with fluid. This leads to delayed and irregular periods among women. PCOS eventually leads to fertility problems in childbearing women. A few symptoms of PCOS are obesity, infertility, anxiety.
Studies state prevalence of PCOS is becoming a common medical problem in India due to numerous factors. Even though exact cause is not determined, it is believed that following have been implicated for the prevalence of PCOS in India, genetics, Insulin resistance or glycogen intolerance and Inflammation, this leads to increased male hormones among women, causing irregular cycles of period.
People do not consider PCOD as a disease as it can be cured with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes. But PCOS is a serious condition, which cannot be cured, so has to be prevented at the early stages of occurrence. Both PCOS and PCOD can cause fertility problems in childbearing women. These hormonal changes in women, which is caused due to PCOD and PCOS leads to symptoms such as excessive hair growth that can affect social relations leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. Get second opinion from our expert clinicians at SNH, who have years of experience in managing conditions like PCOD and PCOS. Our clinicians can make a positive difference in your life, book an appointment, today!